First Post Matey!
I have got on the blog bandwagon to start documenting my art, or anything I’m sketching or experimenting with. I remember having one for my university course and looking back on it, it helped me improve my style, research and gave me a clear time and plan to draw and sketch. Now to make sure I keep up with it!
My recent sketchy adventures include pirate themed life drawing! And you know what, drawing someone from still life is much harder with loads of layers.
We started off doing 1 minute poses, then 2 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes. The final poses were both 20 minutes each. Sometimes I do love the quicker ones as you don’t overthink, it’s just go go go! I used Procreate for the final poses as I wanted to add splashes of colour to the drawing. The last pose was “drunk pirate” as the life model suggested, haha. I think she was ready for a lie down so it was the best pose for her to snooze.